The Lady Gaga Christmas Spectacular

Picture of John Raymond Barker

John Raymond Barker

Actor-Singer-Writer-Director. Recent Guest Star on Law & Order: SVU.

On Monday, December 11, 2017 at 8pm, I will be bringing to life a project I have been dreaming of for some time. It all began in 2009 when I created a parody medley of a handful of Lady Gaga hits as Christmas songs (see below). Each year I added more and more parodies of her songs to the medley with each new album, but I have never had the opportunity to perform the entire medley until now. The full “A Lady Gaga Christmas Medley” includes parodies of 19 of her songs and is approximately 21 fun-filled minutes long. To round out the evening, I will be performing classic Christmas songs as Lady Gaga in the style of her work with Tony Bennett and presenting special guests for what will be one heck of a holiday variety show.


starring John Raymond Barker as Lady Gaga

with special guests Lavinia Draper, Freddie Cosmo, TJ D’Angelo, Melissa Driscol, Christopher McIntyre, and Bobby Temple.

directed by Jared R. Pike

Monday, December 11, 2017, 8pm

$10 + 2 drink minimum (CASH ONLY)
(under 21 – $15 food/drink minimum)

West End Lounge – 955 West End Ave at W 107th St

The show will last approximately 90 minutes.

Sneak peek at costumes:

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