Susan and the Boys

Picture of John Raymond Barker

John Raymond Barker

Actor-Singer-Writer-Director. Recent Guest Star on Law & Order: SVU.

Aside from a brief moment during The Lady Gaga Christmas Spectacular, it’s been a year and half since I’ve gotten to play onstage with the incomparable Susan Campanaro aka Lavinia Draper.  This Sunday, that all changes and in a very new way. She’s asked me to be one of her special guests for an open mic night at The Cupping Cafe. The evening is called Susan and the Boys, and I’ll be performing some great material. (I’ll update once that gets finalized). 

So, we are going to take a classier avenue this time–and you get to be part of it! In Susan’s own words, “Bring a song, a poem, a monologue, an instrument, a dance move or just bring yourself”. When Susan puts on a show, it’s a party. It’s the embodiment of unpretentious fun. Discover new talent and bask in how unbelievably glorious my and her talents are. 😛

AND IT’S FREE! There are what looks to be tasty, classy drinks and food in a lovely, historic, artistic ambience. Come play and make magic with us. And don’t worry–there will surely be a few delightfully naughty moments as the night goes on. It’s just who we are.

The Cupping Cafe
359 West Broadway
(On the Corner of West Broadway & Broome)
New York, New york 10013
​(212)925-2898 (and you can make reservations if you like)

Sunday, July 29, 2018

7pm – 10pm 

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