This set piece was originally a very different looking photo from unsplash.com:

We ended up only using the lower section. There was a great deal of Photoshop used to remove the taxi cab, the pedestrians, and the baby carriage. Color correction was used (as it often is in Hollywood) to switch the scene from daytime to night. For a fun detail, I changed the corner shop to be the Claus of Gaga with images from the film remixed to look like window displays. My thinking was that Gaga was returning to her shop when encounters the homeless man.
If you have seen the film, the scene starts wide and zooms up close. The reason this works is because the photo is so large that the zoomed in section is still enough pixels wide to remain HD once zoomed. Otherwise, it would pixelate.
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JOHN RAYMOND BARKER Represented by ATB Talent, John recently made his network television debut guest starring on Law & Order: SVU. A Master of Fine Arts graduate from the University of Houston School of Theatre, a large part of his training includes working on new plays and musicals with Stuart Ostrow, Edward Albee, Jerry Bock, and Jerry Sterner. John showcases his music on YouTube and around NYC, including a few years in a monthly gig at the legendary Stonewall Inn in Lavinia Draper’s show. His song, “Vampire Drag Queen”, can be bought on iTunes, CD Baby, Amazon and other online music stores, and in December 2018 , he released his debut album, Our First Christmas Together.