I am thrilled to share the return of Lil Zombie, created for my 2012 animated short, Broadway Zombie. I’ve been slowly rolling out the 25 illustrations that I have created to showcase highlights from his dazzling career. The illustrations are available on a variety of items sold via Red Bubble, Zazzle, and Merch By Amazon. The highlights of all of this are the two 2020 calendars sold exclusively on Zazzle. I have gotten my copies of them, and they are printed gorgeously. There are also 3 new short animated shorts, which you can view on broadwayzombie.johnraymondbarker.com Over time, there will be more animations and at least 12 new illustrations for a 2021 calendar.
Broadway Zombie Returns!
John Raymond Barker
Actor-Singer-Writer-Director. Recent Guest Star on Law & Order: SVU.
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